Allison Spratt Pearce

Allison Spratt Pearce
MFA in Acting, USD/The Old Globe
BFA in MT, Elon University
Allison Spratt Pearce grew up all around the world, but hails from Washington D.C. Since graduating from Elon University with her BFA in Musical Theater, she has consistently worked in the performing arts field from Broadway to film. She also holds an M.F.A. in Drama from The Old Globe/USD in San Diego, CA. Allison has been a coach with the MTCA family for 11 years! She resides with her family in San Diego, CA. She is still very active on stage & on camera. Allison is also a director and speaker coach for Google and other corporations. For more info. on Allison, please visit: or follow her on Instagram @allisonsprattpearce & @pearcestudioscoaching.