Emily Perrault

Emily Perrault

BFA in Drama, New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts Double Minors in Social Work and Childhood & Adolescent Mental Health Studies, New York University CCM Vocal Pedagogy Institute, Shenandoah University


Emily Perrault (she/her) is a professional singer, actor, and vocal coach based in NYC. She attended New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, where she graduated with the highest university honors. In addition to her BFA in Drama, Emily completed double minors in Social Work and Childhood & Adolescent Mental Health Studies. A passionate believer that we’re never finished learning, she continued her education by attending Shenandoah University’s New CCM Vocal Pedagogy Institute. Emily founded Bold Voices NYC to educate and cultivate confidence in young singers; she’s proud to support the amazing students at MTCA in the next stages of their creative journeys!

Emily has a special interest in new and developing works, and has performed in many readings, showcases, concerts, and cabarets with incredible up-and-coming composers and writing teams, both here in NYC and internationally at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Emily also has a perfect dog named Luna, who often sits in on virtual lessons.