MTCA Around the World


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of students received Audition-Based Acceptances
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in scholarship money offered
in the last 4 years

MTCA Around the World

MTCA is proud to coach students all over the world! Many of our international students have found great success attending U.S. institutions, as well as our U.S. born students have attended some awesome programs internationally.


New York, NY

Keep spreading the news! While we offer virtual coaching with students everywhere, our main headquarters for our events and in-person coaching is in NYC — the heart of the theater industry!



2022 brought us our first student from Sweden! Jamie Gale will be attending the Actors Studio in Stockholm in the fall.


San Diego, CA

Alongside our headquarters in NYC, MTCA has a substantial presence in Southern California, with coaches based in San Diego and LA. In fact, we offer a Mock Audition in San Diego each year.


Toronto, Canada

“Look what’s happened to Maple!” Toronto is the #1 Canadian city for MTCA students. Over 19 students have hailed from Ontario in the past 4 years!


Pittsburgh, PA

MTCA had its humble beginnings in Pittsburgh, PA (hometown of our founder Ellen Lettrich). It’s also the hometown of Directors Leo Ash Evens and Charlie Murphy, both Carnegie Mellon grads.



Big Tex brings some Big Talent! Over 50 students have come from Texas in the past 4 years.



We find some of the most successful coaching happens on the beach. Florida has been home to nearly 90 MTCA students in the past 4 years.


North Carolina

A Tale of Two Sets of Twins: North Carolina has brought us two different sets of twins over the years. Claire and Polly Hilton and Tabitha and Fiona Burau! It takes two, indeed!



Coming north from the Bahamas! We have students currently studying at UNCSA, Elon, SCAD, and Webster.


Costa Rica

Costa Rica is home to two very talented MTCA alum: Isabella Condo Olvera studying at Minnesota Guthrie and Marife Quesada studying at NYU.



MTCA’s international coaching student debut was made by Daniel Ghezzi! Daniel coached from Brazil before attending Ithaca College’s BFA Acting program. We had to coach him on how to purchase a winter coat!



“Here’s lookin at you, kid!” 2020 brought us our first student from Morocco, specifically from, you guessed it… Casablanca!


South Africa

In 2016 we met our first student from Africa – Skyping in from Capetown South Africa before the days of Zoom!



2021 gave us our first Russian MTCA student, who did this process while persevering through an unimaginably difficult time. Our hearts go out to everyone affected by this conflict.



New Year, New Delhi! 2023 introduced us to our first student from India, Pragya Bhatt, and she just committed to USC this fall!



Kazakhstan is the world’s largest landlocked country, which may be why our 2014 student Miriam Altynbaeva chose to study on the island of Manhattan at The New School!



Romania brought us Eugene Ionesco, and 2019 MTCA student Bianca Vranceneau, who is currently attending Northeastern.



Switzerland brought us the world’s best chocolate, and our 2016 student, Helena Claesson, who studied Musical Theater at the Manhattan School of Music.



It must be what they are brewing in Seattle! In the past four years we’ve had our Seattle-based students attend Baldwin Wallace, Howard, and Northwestern.



Aloha! Our Hawaiian students in the past four years have attended DePaul Acting, Elon MT, Harvard. The 50th state also brings us our coach Lea DiMarchi (herself a Carnegie Mellon grad).



The Last Frontier brought us student Leah Mattfield in 2013, our first student from Alaska. She ended up studying Musical Theater at Michigan – I guess she can’t get enough of the cold!



We’ve had 3 great students from the land down under in the past four years. They tell us that in Australia, pliés actually go upward!


United Arab Emirates

2020 brought us our first student from the UAE, and the past few years have not stopped! Ahmed Abdulla is studying Acting at Pace, Class of 2023 student Amal Ramadan is attending University of Oklahoma for MT, and Class of 2024 Student Lauren Bleeker is heading to Manhattan School of Music for MT!


Western Canada

From the West of Canada we’ve had students from British Columbia and Alberta, attending NYU Tisch, Elon, and Ball State (with that acceptance coming from an MTCA Virtual Walk-In!).



8 MTCA Students have come from China in the past 4 years. 2023 student, Kayla Peterson, just committed to Baldwin-Wallace in the fall!


Hong Kong

The Fragrant Harbor wafted us our first student in 2022. The large time difference for all of our East Asian student means our coaches are often coaching at odd hours in the U.S.! Luckily we have a good mix of night owls and early birds on our team!



The land of lochs is home to many happy MTCA students at the Royal Conservatory of Scotland, as well as coach Marcus Crawford Guy (himself a grad of Juilliard).



Many of our students have attended great English Schools, including: RADA, LAMDA, Central School of Speech and Drama. 2024 Student Kadiatou Beye is coming stateside to attend UNCSA for Acting.



From the Middle East to studying MT, Israel has been represented in 2 different MTCA classes.



We love our midwestern students! We also love our time at the Palmer House each winter. MTCA brings representation to all three of the main Unifieds cities: NYC, Chicago, and LA.



Peru brings us one of the wonders of the world in Machu Picchu – and in 2016 brough us our first Peruvian student!



Chile is one of the longest countries in the world, and we had to wait a long time for our first Chilean student in 2022. Luckily, Sarah Rubio was worth the wait! She’ll be attending Marymount Manhattan in the fall.



“Don’t cry for me, Argentina! The truth is… that 2021 student Franco Valerga is currently attending CCM!



MTCA has had 5 Japanese Students in the past 4 years. Like many international students, we coached them virtually, but were delighted to meet them in person surrounding their Unifieds auditions!



2022 saw MTCA do a Private Walk-In with the Institute of Barcelona, where we had many admittances and now attendees!


Jackson, Mississippi

The city of Jackson, Mississippi has brought us 8 students over the past 3 years, and 5 of them scholars from our amazing scholarship partner, TFCA (The Fund for College Auditions). These 8 students attend: Michigan, Penn State, CCM (x2), Roosevelt, Marymount, Alabama, and Emerson!



We’ve had many amazing students from Sacramento over the years! One of our very first, Olivia Kaufmann, made her Broadway debut in Mean girls in 2019 starring opposite 2 other MTCA Alum! We love when MTCAers work together professionally!



Our recent Taiwaneese Acting Students must have been California Dreamin’! Daniel Chang currently attends Cal Arts and Amos Pai is attending USC.



2024 Student Lujane Yacoub will head to North Carolina School of the Arts where she will join an amazing 7 of our 2023 students currently in the class ahead of her.


Dominican Republic

We were thrilled that 2023 brought us our first student from the Dominican Republic, in Sofia Aguayo. She is heading to Northwestern in the fall — quite a change of climate for her!



Our neighbor to the South has brought us some great students over the years. Our most recent 2024 student is still making her final decision, like many of our other class of 2024 students (due to FAFSA delays affecting timing). Stay tuned to hear which lucky school got her!


New Zealand

People say the college audition process can be a bit like the epic and beautiful journey depicted in the Lord of the Rings (and filmed in New Zealand…). Well, 2024 student Diana Mitchell navigated the journey from one “Long Island” to another, where she’ll be studying Musical Theater at LIU Post!



We were so excited 2023 brought us our first student from Thailand. Like many of our class of 2024 students (due to FAFSA delays affecting timing), he is still deciding between his options – so stay tuned to this space to hear which lucky school got him!



When you live across the world, you often have to get creative. 2024 student Sadie Moore had an amazingly well-organized plan to hit different in-person and unified auditions across the US while getting a whirlwind tour of the states! She’ll be studying MT at Hartt this fall!

MTCA is proud to serve students worldwide with a coaching team that brings a wealth of international experience. While all our coaches have received training at competitive American institutions, they also bring the valuable perspectives of their international backgrounds. These coaches all have training at the American institutions that so many of our students are looking to train at, but bring the unique experience and perspective that their international roots have lent them. Alongside being able to help you artistically, our coaches can also help you with the elements of the process that are unique to the international college audition experience.

Marcus Crawford Guy

Keshav Moodliar

Nomè SiDone

Julian Abelskamp

Tracy Michailidis